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Saturday, October 05, 2024
By Kim Ortiz Portrait Art
A new puppy deserves a portrait session with the family. A puppy is a wonderful addition to a family and Bartleby, a 3.5 month Yorkie is the cutest puppy I have photographed. He is picture perfect and his human brothers are wonderful also. William and Edward are two well behaved boys who loves Bartleby. The boys have the most beautiful blue eyes and mom did such a great job coordinating their colors to match their eyes perfectly.
I love photographing families and dogs. It warms my heart to know that the family will have a beautiful portrait box with all these beautiful photos to enjoy for so many years to come and as the boys and Bartleby continue to grow, they will look back on this moment in time and remember this special time.
Having your family portrait done with your dog, either a brand new puppy or an older senior dog, is so important because dogs are part of the family also and dogs are only with you for a limited time you will cherish these moments forever.